Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Employment Relations vs Labour Relations

We are used to the terminology "labour relations" that evolved out of the work Beatrice and Sidney Webb, Max Weber and John Dunlop.

Some researchers (Swanepoel, Deery, Plowman and Walsch) are of the opinion that a broader and more inclusive approach to define and demarcate the field is preferable.

Nel et al (2012) wrote: "The broadening of the field's scope includes a firm acknowledgement of the need to bring together aspects of two study areas that have long developed 'their separate ways' to quite an extent, namely human resource management (traditionally also known as personnel management) and industrial relations.  The concept now commonly used to reflect the tight relationship between industrial relations and and human resource management is employment relations".

Do we know of any research on this matter regarding the perceptions of the major role players?  What are the perceptions of labour and management regarding a change towards 'employment relations' in stead of the previous 'labour relations'?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a cool set of questions. Personally I would like to know more about the theoretical tenets of the actors and their networks and the role that agency plays in the way that power relations pan out.
