Tuesday, 18 March 2014

The South African National Development Plan (NDP)

Is the implementation of the South African National Development Plan the answer currently?


  1. South Africa has been faced with many challenges such as a large labour unrest, electricity shortages and a less favourable global environment which should serve as a rude awakening for all South Africans. This is where the National Development Plan comes to play. The National Development Plan 2030 (NDP), this plan serves as a blueprint on how to achieve a more equal and flourishing South Africa, this plan sets a target of 5,4% on the economic growth of South Africa up to 2030.Jakkie Cilliers and Hanna Camp have embarked on a new African Futures Project paper and argues that a number of the education and infrastructure targets in the NDP are achievable even with lower growth rates than those demanded by the plan (Institute for Security Studies [ISS], 2013).
    The implementation of the NDP is critical. If there is no action taken to narrow the huge gap between rich and poor, South Africa’s stability will be at risk as structural unemployment and inequality (the highest in the world) become a dangerous recipe that could undo progress in Africa’s largest economy. The right implementation of the NDP would definitely restructure the economy and could put the country onto a sustained and efficient higher growth path. This would then break the “middle-income trap” (ISS, 2013). In my view South Africans need to take a step forward and look at where the country is in its development route, and at the NDP, and consider the implications of the current development path and how the NDP may give direction in this path. These goals that the NDP aim to achieve may not be achieved unless there is a move away from a capital-intensive economy, with more flexibility in the labour market, and unless delivery and efficiency in education is sorted out and the country transforms from an incapable to a capable state. That is why I say that the NDP is the answer.
    Institution for Security Studies. (2013).Implementing the National Development Plan 2030 is essential for future stability. Retrieved From http://www.issafrica.org/iss-today/implementing-the-national-development-plan-2030-is-essential-for-future-stability


  2. Thank you very much for your response Raheema.

  3. In 1994 the Reconstruction and Development Program (RDP) was implemented.
    Many thought this was the answer, although improvements were made it would appear that this plan wasn’t as successful as expected to be. As there are still a lot of homeless people, people without clean water, proper health care, electricity and proper education.
    Although the plan delivered houses, new clinics and more electricity there is still a shortage. Delivering of services such as health care and clean water is not up to standard.
    The NDP for 2030 focuses on a lot of the same issues identified in the RDP implemented in 1994. Although the NDP is similar to a mostly unachieved RDP it doesn’t necessary mean it isn’t the answer. The NDP addresses key issues and shortcomings in South Africa and aims to decrease poverty and inequality by improving public transport, water, electricity, sanitation, safety and security, education, health care and employment which are core elements of a decent standard of living. A lot of reliance is placed on the Government, Government Institutions, Municipalities and ordinary South Africans for the NDP to be successful.
    In my view the question isn’t necessarily whether the NDP is the answer but rather whether it is achievable. For the targets of the NDP to be achieved corruption in the Government, Government Institutions and Municipalities must be eliminated. The effectiveness of Municipalities and staff of Government managed services such as health care and education must be addressed with immediate effect.
    The workforce of South Africa will also need to realise that we are all working towards a more sustainable and improved South Africa, for example before employees begin to strike they must first think what effect strikes will have to our economy and rather search for other alternatives to state their grievances that won’t have such a negative effect on the economy.
    If the above mentioned can be achieved the NDP might be the answer. From past experience the 2030 target deadline may seem to be unlikely as the RDP struggled to reach its target in 19 years, however South Africa now has the advantage of 20 years of democracy where a lot of positive change has occurred and is not starting from scratch as it did in 1994.

    Let’s hope the NDP is the answer and it is achieved within the set out target deadlines, as nobody knows how long the poverty stricken people of South Africa will be able to manage before resorting to violence and resulting in a revolution as seen recently in other parts of Africa.

    Jacomi du Plessis 22769498 Honours LR

  4. Thank you very much for your response Jacomi

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP) it is the answer currently to South Africa because, the NDP coverers critical elements that South Africa is currently faced with such as (1) Education (2) Health (3)Economic growth (4) Fighting crime and corruption (5) Poverty etc.

    Unlike (RDP) Reconstruction and Development Program, NDP commission is very diverse because it involves Business; Trade unions; academics; social representation and the community. The commissioners are also diverse individuals from different disciplines and cultures, drawn from nomination made by the public throughout South Africa. So their judgment will not be biased and lack, but it will maximise the state of affairs in South Africa.

    The NDP strategy to achieve certain goals by 2030, it is better that not having any strategy at all because South Africa right now is flooded with corruption that currently eats South Africa’s potential to grow bigger .The business listed five key constrains such as infrastructure, regulatory uncertainty, inclusive growth, education & skills and labour relations as key issues that needed do be addressed in order to develop South African economy in the business side, yes As South Africans we will be shallow and ignorant if we only cultivate the symptoms/situations as we see them and forget to redress the roots of the problems which is where we come from.

    That is why the NDP had to have specialist in various areas of expertise to draft a plan to diagnose and give a detailed progresses and challenges in South Africa.
    Even though trade union, other political parties and individuals are sceptic about the NDP, It is not a new thing that others people are more resistant to change that others, due to fairs of losing power, control and competitiveness.
    Trade unions or organised labour fairs are, drafted in protecting themselves and their members on how jobs will be created and also the quality of those jobs for their members which is valid but let consider for one minute the quality of jobs for their members now. I totally believe that even if the NDP fails, it will not fail in all of the elements it set out to improve and also is better to live as a country, individual and communities that plan, because by planning the nation will have direction and vision.
    Nompi Tshabalala 22775005 Honours Labour Relations

    1. Thank you very much Nompi for your response
